
Chapel Allerton Primary School

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Chapel Allerton Primary has been awarded MindMate Friendly Status and PSHE Friendly Status! To see our glowing report click Key Information, Curriculum and either MindMate or PSHE.


Subject Lead - Mrs Todd

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

“I like PSHE lessons because they help us to learn how to be safe.” CAPS pupil.


“We learn about important things we need to know later in our lives.” CAPS pupil.


In our PSHE lessons we get the chance to discuss feelings and we can give help and advice to others.”  CAPS pupil.


“PSHE is such an important subject because it is the foundation of all learning and helps children to develop the skills they need, at school and throughout their lives.” CAPS staff.

INTENT:  All pupils at Chapel Allerton Primary will access a high-quality spiral PSHE curriculum.  Our Intent is that this PSHE curriculum will contribute to the personal development of all our pupils to enable them to achieve their full potential and leave our school as responsible citizens who are prepared for the demands of society in their future.  It is our intent that our well-planned, cohesive curriculum for PSHE and RSE will support pupils in their understanding of healthy friendships, families and relationships with children and adults. 


The IMPACT is that high quality teaching and delivery of the PSHE and RSE curriculum will encourage pupils to build skills such as empathy, making reasoned arguments, understanding other points of view and discussing and debating issues in a respectful manner, as well as allowing them to develop their discussion skills and present information and views in a respectful and accurate way. Through a variety of teaching and learning strategies we aim to develop pupils’ confidence, resilience, and self-esteem, and their ability to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions.  


IMPLEMENTATION: Our PSHE curriculum is based on a scheme of work called “You, me and PSHE”, and is designed with the needs of our whole school community in mind.  The curriculum is taught in Years 1-6 and there are 7 strands within the scheme which lay out age-appropriate topics for the children to cover.


Identity, society and equality

Drug, alcohol and tobacco education

Physical health and well being

Mental health and emotional well being

Keeping safe and managing risk

Careers, financial capability and economic well being

Sex and relationship education

We also supplement this scheme with a whole range of other vital life skills including: Mindmate, British Values, online safety, safety in the home, anti-bullying week, mental health awareness days, first aid, road safety, cycling safety and careers and aspiration assemblies.  We have a weekly theme in school which focuses on aspects of character education, such as good manners, being respectful and forming positive relationships with others. Growth Mindset, Restorative Practice and Protected Characteristics are also weaved through the PSHE curriculum and throughout all aspects of school life.

In order to provide a safe and happy learning environment, where children can express themselves freely, each class have established a set of ground rules when conducting PSHE lessons. These rules were chosen by our children and include:

  • To be kind to and supportive of each other
  • To laugh with but not at each other
  • To listen by looking at each other and not interrupting
  • To respect other people’s views and feelings

If you would like to see what is taught in each year group, please see the whole-school PSHE long-term plan.

MindMate Friendly Status and PSHE Friendly Status

‘Nurturing a lifelong love of learning’
