go star gazing on a dark night
toast marshmallows on a firepit
learn to swim
visit Meanwood Valley Urban Farm
visit Gledhow Valley Woods- lots of times!
grow and eat things from our biodome
visit the seaside
have drama lessons with The Leeds Playhouse
learn to play the Djembe Drums
learn to play the Ukulele
go to music recital
learn how to look after your own mental health
visit the City Varieties theatre
visit the Leeds Playhouse
learn how to make healthy food
perform in front of an audience
spend the day as a Viking
visit the local library
visit a Mosque
visit a Church
visit a Gurdwara
learn about our unique locality
take care of our locality by litter picking
learn outdoors
experience music from different genres and a range of cultures
participate in sports competitions.
enjoy live music performances
play volleyball
read many, many class novels
learn about other religions and beliefs
learn about artists from different cultures
stay away from home on a residential
grow a plant
raise money for charity
go to a disco
try food from different cultures
learn how to speak another language
visit museums.
travel on a bus
travel on a train
visit The Leeds Art Gallery
learn and recite a poem.
participate in an after-school club
help someone younger than you
learn how to be safe on a scooter or a bike
learn about the history of Leeds
be a teacher for a day
donate to a local foodbank
sing in our community
spend time in our wellbeing garden
take part in team building lessons (Commando Joes)
build a wattle and daub wall
meet people with interesting jobs e.g Barrister, vet, consultant paediatrician
spend time with elderly people in our local community