
Chapel Allerton Primary School

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Chapel Allerton Primary has been awarded MindMate Friendly Status and PSHE Friendly Status! To see our glowing report click Key Information, Curriculum and either MindMate or PSHE.

Personal Development

At Chapel Allerton Primary we recognise and value the pivotal role we play in building the strong emotional foundations that children require in order to thrive and grow into well rounded and healthy adults. As a school, we are committed to ensuring our children are equipped with the social and emotional abilities to be confident, resilient, strong, well-rounded individuals with firm beliefs and who are able to accomplish goals and become responsible citizens. We give very careful thought to all of the experiences that we offer to our pupils to support their wider development and we are delighted with the breadth of opportunities that we offer. The children are excited by these activities because these are carefully and thoughtfully planned.

We teach our children to be polite, well mannered and show great respect for one-another, adults and visitors in terms of culture, beliefs and lifestyle. Staff work relentlessly to ensure that our children feel safe and we have created an environment where bullying and discrimination in any form is not tolerated by adults or children. Pupils are taught how to deal with bullying so that they are equipped for the future should they need it. In the very rare cases bullying happens at Chapel Allerton Primary - adults are very quick to put a stop to the situation because there is always someone to talk to. Any issues are dealt with quickly, firmly but fairly and by supporting everyone concerned. If a pupil is worried about approaching an adult  they can use our 'Talk Boxes' to express how they are feeling, these are monitored regularly. We use 'Restorative Practice' to build community and resolve problems when they arise, this ensures that everyone's voice is heard. 

The adults in school have high expectations of the children and as a result they behave exceptionally well - this is testament to the value that the staff place on relationships, which in themselves are exceptional. Our pupils relish the additional responsibilities that they are given such as being Play Leaders, Reading Ambassadors, to be on the School Council, Green Team- (eco warriors) - all a very important part of school life.

‘The Whole-Child Approach’ at Chapel Allerton Primary  has been designed to work along-side ‘A Curriculum that Matters’ to integrate social and emotional learning into the curriculum and promote physical and mental wellbeing, academic achievement and life long learning. 

Through this approach, our pupils leave Chapel Allerton Primary with the ability to: make and maintain friendships; resolve conflicts; manage stress and anxiety; make appropriate and informed decisions; resist negative social pressure; achieve academic potential; identify strengths and weaknesses; and value and respect diversity within society. 

Through the ‘Whole Child Approach’ we develop and nurture the following skills in our pupils:



confident individualsResponsible citizens
motivationSelf- RegulationSelf AwarenessSocial SkillsTeam WorkEmpathyStaying Safe

Demonstrating goal orientated behaviours such as resilience and determination.




Managing emotions and behaviours.





Recognising our own emotions and values as well as our strengths and aspects we wish to develop. 


Forming positive relationships and dealing effectively with conflict. Seeking and giving help. Expressing emotions and and points of view appropriately . 

 Working collaboratively and effectively with others.





Being informed, understanding and caring towards others in a diverse world with different perspectives and experiences.


Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behaviour. Knowing and understanding dangers and how to respond to them. 


Reading to Ozzy from Pets for Therapy.

‘Ozzy helps me to feel calm when I am reading!’ CAPS pupil

‘Ozzy is so soft, it’s very relaxing to stroke him!’ CAPS pupil.

‘Nurturing a lifelong love of learning’
