Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.
To ensure that Chapel Allerton Primary meets the needs of its pupils, we must be partners in the decision making process. We feel it is important that their voice is heard and that they have a say in how the school develops.
Our aims are to:
Meet the needs of our pupils;
Boost children’s confidence;
Encourage learning skills such as communication, assertiveness and advocacy;
Build positive relationships between all members of the school community;
Help pupils feel recognised and valued;
Encourage active citizenship;
Be able to respond to pupils needs;
Improve the achievement of pupils;
Recognise pupils as major stakeholders.
School Council is made up of children from Key Stage 1 & 2, who are democratically voted in by their peers, there is usually 1 School Councilor per class. They attend regular meetings and discuss issues such as school dinners, school-wide projects and fund raising. They seek the opinions of their peers and bring those thoughts and ideas back to meetings where we discuss them.