
Chapel Allerton Primary School

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Chapel Allerton Primary has been awarded MindMate Friendly Status and PSHE Friendly Status! To see our glowing report click Key Information, Curriculum and either MindMate or PSHE.


Subject Lead - Miss Clarkson

The Charanga Musical School Scheme provides teachers with week-by-week lesson support for each year group in the school. It provides lesson plans, assessment, clear progression, and engaging and exciting whiteboard resources to support every lesson. The Scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum. This is one of the ways we have enabled music to become a successful, integrated part of the curriculum at Chapel Allerton Primary school.  


The scheme offers an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning where key vocabulary, concepts as well as skills and knowledge and continuously revisited and build upon.  


How the scheme is structured 

Each Unit of Work focuses on the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music: 

  1. Listening and Appraising 

  1. Musical Activities 

  1. Warm-up Games 

  1. Optional Flexible Games 

  1. Singing 

  1. Playing instruments 

  1. Improvisation 

  1. Composition 

  1. Performing 


Mastery in your Music Lessons 

Charanga Musical School Units of Work enable children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills.  


Whole class instrument tuition  

ArtForms provide specialist music teachers who deliver weekly high-quality sessions throughout the year. Focussing on rhythm and singing in Y1 and Y2, and ukulele in Y3 through to Y6, each class has this experience for a full term.  

Please see progression of skills documents for further details. 

Singing Assemblies  

Another key component to music at Chapel Allerton Primary School is our weekly singing assemblies. This is an opportunity to develop singing techniques, strengthen our sense of community and boost our collective well-being through a shared experience of music. We also use this time to have brief discussions about artists, genres, instruments we recognise and what a song might be about.  

Music in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Music knowledge, understanding and skill development in EYFS is taught under the ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ section of Development Matters.  Music taught by exploring and playing in purposeful well thought out areas of provision, through active learning and through creating and thinking critically. 

In EYFS the children:

  • Show attention to sound and music.
  • Respond physically and emotionally to music.
  • Anticipate phrase and actions in rhymes and songs.
  • Join in with sounds and rhymes including actions.
  • Make rhythmical repetitive sounds.
  • Explore a range of sound making instruments and play them in different ways linked to emotions.
  • Remember and sing entire songs – including matching the pitch of others.
  • Create songs and improvise a song around one they know.

 The lessons provide children with a solid base to allow them to access the National Curriculum in Year 1

Music at Home

Useful Websites



There is so much you can do at home with your child to support their musical development. Here are a few ideas:

  • Exposing your child to live music-many children cannot appreciate music until they have heard it live. Too often they just listen to music from the radio, TV or CDs. Giving your child the opportunity to listen to live music being played is invaluable.
  • Encourage your child to express themselves to music-through movement, painting, singing.
  • Ask your child to tell you how a piece of music makes them feel-and why/how?
  • When listening to music, encourage your child to see if they can identify instruments being played (this can be any type of music-even modern up-to date music!)
  • Tap into your children's interests, for example, if they like a certain TV program theme tune then you could even teach them how to play a small section of it on a simple keyboard, or take their favourite song and sing it in a round on those long car journeys! 
  • Let your children experience different musical instruments when possible-so many children can identify what a guitar is by looking at a picture but have they ever held one or plucked the strings? 
  • on those rainy days ask your children to make up a song about anything they like! You will be surprised at how well they will do!
  • Encourage your children to express likes and dislikes about the music they listen to. Can they give reasons?

More Music at Chapel Allerton Primary School

‘Nurturing a lifelong love of learning’
