We appreciate that not all pupils are able to stay behind after school to access our clubs so we try to give as many opportunities during lunchtimes as we can.
Wellbeing Garden Club- Y1-Y6 every day (weather permitting)
Happy Minds Club- every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the small hall
Debating Club Y6 Mr Sykes
Chess Club- Tuesdays & Thursdays (KS1 &KS2)
Book Club- F2-Y6 every day (weather permitting)
Choir - KS2 Fridays
School (CAPS) Magazine Club- Y5
Volleyball- KS2 (weekly rota)
Football - F2-Y6 (weekly rota)
Girls' Football- KS2 Fridays
Language Ambassadors (language of the 1/2 term) - teaching simple words, phases and playing games- Mondays