
Chapel Allerton Primary School

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Restorative Practice



For effective teaching and learning to take place, we believe that good relationships need to be at the heart of everything that happens at Chapel Allerton Primary School.


What is Restorative Practice?

A restorative school is one which takes a restorative approach to resolving conflict and preventing harm. Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right.


What is the aim of Restorative Practice?

The aim of Restorative Practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. This is our priority as a restorative school, as we see ourselves at the heart of and serving our community. It is a process that puts repairing harm done to relationships and people over and above assigning blame and dispensing punishment. It shifts the emphasis from managing behaviour to focussing on building, nurturing and repairing relationships.


Why are we using Restorative Practice at Chapel Allerton Primary?

We believe that our whole school ethos and vision along with Restorative Practice promotes and prioritises building and developing strong relationships and friendships. This makes everyone in school happier and more likely to achieve their potential. We know that a whole school restorative approach can contribute to:


  • Happier and safer schools
  • Mutually respectful relationships
  • More effective teaching and learning
  • Raised attendance
  • Addresses bullying behaviour
  • Raises morale and self-esteem
  • Helps promote a culture of inclusion and belonging
  • Increases emotional literacy


As part of the RP process, child and staff could be involved in meetings and circles that include:


The 5 RP Questions


  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking about at the time?
  • What have your thoughts been since?
  • Who else has been affected by what you did?
  • What do you think needs to happen to make things right?


Talking is key!

Restorative Practice is NOT just about the questions.  It is about a process that is seen as fair: allows free expression of emotions and significantly is about offering high levels of support, whilst challenging inappropriate behaviour through high levels of control, encouraging acceptance of responsibility and the setting of clear boundaries.


Keeping Our Class Communities Strong

Every week each class has Restorative Practice circles. These are opportunities for the class community to come together and talk.  These circles help the children in the class to learn more about their classmates and keeps the relationships tight. The stronger the bonds and the relationships the less likely you are to cause harm or upset someone.


‘Nurturing a lifelong love of learning’
